Elevate Think 2030 Sustainability
Impact Spotlight: A Multi-Generational Approach to Sustainability
TreesCO2 was honoured to be speakers at the Elevate Think 2030 Sustainability Impact Spotlight: A multi-Generational Approach to Sustainability, October 13, 2021. We felt so energized after our meaningful discussions with Fate Saghir, and John Cook from Mackenzie Investments! We are honoured to have been included in this event along with Dr. Jane Goodall, Chris Hadfield, Sarain Fox and many more. TreesCO2 is so excited that Elevate will be supporting the planting of 2030 trees in the Project Forest Great Canadian Tree Challenge for the Swan River First Nations Reserve “Ecological Reconciliation Planting Project”, in keeping with the Think 2030 theme. To watch the recording click here and for more information click here.